Thursday, November 22, 2012

Sausage Biscuits

Just finished the sausage biscuits. Sausage rolled into the biscuit for a nice swirl. Sausage biscuits, old family tradition, fruit tart, current family tradition.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

For Conspiracy Theorists and Reality

Polar wandering or Polar shift has been happening since 2007. It is about 55-60 KM per year. This messes up the Van Allen Radiation belt protecting earth. A few large coronal mass ejections could render this phone obsolete. A complete pole reversal would be very "interesting". Match this up with the planetary alignment happening in Dec. 2012 and maybe the Mayan's were right.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Four More Years

Four more years of well placed drone strikes.

Is there an ap for that?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Ways to Spend Money

The political ads have cost millions of dollars..  There are so many better ways to spend that money.

Living in a Swing State

This AM every TV ad break has been filled with political ads.  Yesterday, we got about five political calls!  And it was just mentioned on the news that Romney and Biden were visiting  somewhere in Virginia today.

It will all end soon.