Friday, January 4, 2008

Getting Ready

We are getting ready to go home. Some things are already in the cars, we are watching a "House", and a light haze in the air is making the sky pink, blue and lavender -- everywhere -- as the sun sets. A load of laundry leftover from kayaking is in the wash.

We just got back from kayaking in 40 degree weather. It was beautiful and very bracing out on the water. We were only about and hour and one half from high tide but the water levels were very low so we kept getting stuck. While out kayaking we talked Scrabble. Highest two letter word we could think of was "zu"; "zip" was the highest for three letters; "quiz" wins for four letters words. Other high pointers -- "quizzical", "zyzzyva", "whack"........

Tomorrow we will be home.