GW and I agree on virtually everything. It seriously reduces the chance of disagreement but it has also led to a very full attic. We are both confirmed pack-rats!
So, today, along with Esh, we began to clean and reorganize. Why???? Because there is more stuff that needs to go up there and...lo and behold... there is no room!
It was fun to rediscover Mr. Bucket, the boxes of large legos, the box of old cookbooks, the rubber boat that hoots when you press on it, GW's old Greek dictionary, old maps (not treasure ones though...too bad), Esh's old Simba tent, and the list could go on and on. Esh's childhood is in the attic now on shelves and neatly organized for future viewers.
And there is beginning to be more room for more stuff to go up there....what will we ever to with that old futon?