On the drive today to C'ville, I began to think back to the lecture given by Randy Pausch and how he stressed the importance of play and having fun in life. Earlier in the year, Esh and I listened to Richard Feynman tapes covering various letters he had written in his life to various people. Feynman also believe that one of the most important things in life was having fun. Einstein developed the entire process of "thought experiments" from the playful side of his nature. All of these great minds worked hard but also found incredible fun in both their work and life. I think there is something very important to be learned from them. Individuals can take themselves and life in general far too seriously. Their lives include only work. Humor is never found in any of the little things of life. As Will expressed in "Good Will Hunting", they are smart and have learned a lot but they will never have an original thought.
So go out roller skating. Bask in the sunshine of today and find joy in a bird or a flower. Throw a Frisbee with your child for hours on end. Go on a roller coaster. Work on a really hard math problem and find joy in discovery. Make some jello squares and throw them at each other out in the yard. Have a squirt gun fight. Or simply read Dakota Cheyenne's blog!