It is interesting how a day works. You wake up, with something you need or want to do, or maybe a whole list of things to do. As you start though, typically small things happen that nudge the items on the "to do" list by adding, subtracting or changing something on the list. By the end of the day, things may have gotten done as desired or turned out completely differently than were planned.
What is also interesting is how different people react when these things that nudge the plans occur and how one feels by the end of the day.
Its also interesting to have a day with nothing planned and the day just unfolds. Things nudge you along on a wandering path.
In the end, the collection of paths traveled through the days is our life. For some people, their lives get recorded and go in to history books, but rarely do we get a glimpse of a Day in the Life of someone from the past.
Are those days still out there, recorded by photons, particles that were moved, sound waves generated? What if we had a way of collecting all the physical components that changed during the day, gathering all the photons, particles, etc. What would we have? Would we also get the feelings, thoughts, emotions that occurred?
I have to think that all of it is recorded in some form and maybe traveling in time might just be being able to recontruct all those pieces back in to a day.
So, maybe the next step is a "recording" device that encapsulates all physical changes (reflected photons, moved air waves, breathed air, chemical processes in the brain, etc.). Then those recodings could be used to truly relive a moment in time by simply playing it back.