Last Wednesday, Esh felt crappy in the morning but by the afternoon he was having violent shivers. To the ER we went. During the trip to the ER the tachycardia began. His resting heart rate was between 120 and 130 with spikes over 170 (normal is 60) so they admitted him to he hospital. He spent three fun-filled (hah) days in the hospital (we are posting this now as he did NOT want to hear from any family - and still doesn't - neither do Gravity or October either so do not call or write - thanks). They are not completely sure what the diagnosis is but it looks like a severe reaction to Mononucleosis. Wow. He has notified his friends. He is okay now but very tired and if he moves too much he gets a "screamer" headache. Bummer.
What a way to spend the last few weeks of the summer before college! Yuk.