In case it totally slipped your mind and you forgot to dress up, yesterday (March, 3, 09) was Square Root Day 3/3/09 (3 is the square root of 9 or 3 times 3 is 9.)
But not to worry, you'll get another chance on 4/4/16. This gives you plenty of time to get prepared. Of course, according to the Mayans, the world is going to end in 2012.
Hopefully you get the idea.
Don't forget the upcoming PI day, March 14th (3/14 - 3.14) and prepare for the biggy PI day on 3/14/15 when we get 3.1415. I'm sure everyone knows at least a few digits - 3.1415926535897...
Aren't numbers fun?
What could enhance your day more!