Thursday, March 10, 2011


What is CAIR? Well, one thing we know is that it is filled with Texan followers of a salafi Imam. That Imam was kicked out of his mosque because he was recruiting young men, in his mosque, and sending them to Afghanistan in the 1990s for training and fighting. You can connect the dots on your own.

He is now in Michigan.

Born in Syria, he was forced to leave (and he can not go back ever) in 1980s. He was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood at that time ( and probably still is), and the Syrian President expelled their organization and everyone in it.

After going to Egypt for a brief period, this young man decided to go to America in search of a vulnerable born-US bride so he could gain citizenship and have naturalized children. He was not alone; many followed in his footsteps as part of a Muslim Brotherhood plan to destroy our country.

He succeeded in his efforts to find an American bride. He also memorized the Quaran and became an imam. His followers are Salafi and they are what CAIR is all about. Judge on your own.