Thursday, November 29, 2007


Well. I tried to grow hair on my head but it went to my cheeks. Wait. That's a beard.
I noticed that my right side beard hair grows faster than the left.

Does anyone else have this issue? Oh. Dumb me. You all don't grow beards (I hope).

Ignore this post

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Brand New Stuff

What would you like to keep in brand new, never been used, condition? I know I would like to keep the spare tire on the Jeep that way! Also, the life insurance policies for the three members of our family as never been used.

Math Jokes

Gravity got these from somewhere. Bravo!

The ark lands after The Flood. Noah lets all the animals out. Says, "Go and multiply." Several months pass. Noah decides to check up on the animals. All are doing fine except a pair of snakes. "What's the problem?" says Noah. "Cut down some trees and let us live there", say the snakes. Noah follows their advice. Several more weeks pass. Noah checks on the snakes again. Lots of little snakes, everybody is happy. Noah asks, "Want to tell me how the trees helped?" "Certainly", say the snakes. "We're adders, and we need logs to multiply."
Theorem: All horses have an infinite number of legs.

Proof (by intimidation):

Everyone would agree that all horses have an even number of legs. It is also well-known that horses have forelegs in front and two legs in back. 4 + 2 = 6 legs, which is certainly an odd number of legs for a horse to have! Now the only number that is both even and odd is infinity; therefore all horses have an infinite number of legs.

However, suppose that there is a horse somewhere that does not have an infinite number of legs. Well, that would be a horse of a different color; and by the Lemma, it doesn't exist.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Extreme Sports

The Today Show had a story about an extreme sport in England where people are strapped in a huge plastic ball and then rolled down hills! For other extrema sports you have bungee jumping, or space jumping or... I have skied down glaciers.

What extreme sports has everyone else tried?

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Favorite Overstock Item

What purchase item do you overstock on the most? In other words, what item that you buy at the store would you want to definitely not want to run out of? Mine is toilet paper. I way overstock on toilet paper!

2007 Thanksgiving

Well, we have had a Nancy Drew Thanksgiving and Gravity's 46 birthday! Thanksgiving we played a Nancy Drew game, White Wolf of Icicle Creek, for hours and finished it Friday morning. Then late yesterday, we began the Nancy Drew game, Danger By Design. We played it again for a few hours tonight during Gravity's B-day celebration. These games are so much fun; and it adds to the game to do them as a family because of all of the discussion and jokes!

Food on Thanksgiving was courtesy of Ukrop's so it was so easy and yummy at the same time. It has been fabulous to not drive much of anywhere, too. Esh might try driving the trip to UVA next week for the first time.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Geometric Transformations

Esh found a really cool video on geometric transformations. An especially neat part of the video is the transformations on the surface of a sphere, which is something I have been investigating.


Monday, November 19, 2007


Of the five senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell), how would you rank them going from most important to you as number one to least important as number 5?

Blessing and A Curse

On the Today Show there was a story about Internet safety where a girl commited suicide because of an Internet relationship that was never real. The girl's parents stressed that no one should use to Internet to establish relationships unless you know there is a real person on the other side.

My favorite blog is one where a mother with seven children uses wit to relay various occurrances in the household. I also have realized that it could all be fake and I take it as such. It is entertainment. It would never occur to me that I should form any kind of relationship with her ever. She is a stranger that lives hundreds of miles away.

Relationships are meant to be in person with real people. Unless someone has actually met the person and their children shown on a web site or blog so they know it is real, everyone on the Internet should assume that it is all smoke and mirrors. Photos can be easily obtained and a blog constructed. Only the very naive would assume that any kind of relationship is possible with strangers (and that is exactly who everyone is on the Web). I feel so sorry for the parents of the girl and it takes such courage to share their story with everyone so people will use caution with the web.

Besides, the FBI is EVERYWHERE and spying on all of us!!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

WSJ Catch Up

I think I have stated before that I love the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). However, I read it in bulk; about one to two weeks at a time. So today was cathc-up day.

* Microcosmos: A new book is out that sound really interesting. It is primarily photos of things enormously enlarged. Like the nylon in women's stockings, or blood vessels, etc. Titled Microcosmos by Brandon Boll.

* China: Yes, China yet again. In China, they do brain surgery even for conditions such as depression! Bone chilling to me -- major yuck!

* Coral Reefs: As coral reefs are dwindling due to pollutants, and over harvesting, some locations are putting man-made concrete balls in the areas where the reefs used to be in order to encourage new reef growth. Hmmm....

* Lexus: Lexus has developed a new hybrid car. It sells for $100,000. Think I'll skip that one.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Parking (redux(redux))

So, when you spot severally equally likely parking spots. Would you tend to choose the one on the left or right?

Get in your Astin Martin and click Play as you park.

Ah. I love the mind. How it interprets questions. I left the question too open ended (by accident). So now there are two.

My original thought is the first image. But the new exciting one s are the second and third images.

What would your answer be for all three situations?

Friday, November 16, 2007


This morning a guest on The Today Show said that her occupation was a blogger.

What am I missing here?

Leno's Headliners

Every Monday, Jay Leno has a joke session called '."Headliners". These are actual published "funnies".

  • "Teach Engish As A Second Language"
  • "The ABC's of Sucess"
  • "Legless Meth Lab Suspect On The Run"
  • "Homeless Man Under House Arrest"
  • "Dead Man Remains Dead"
  • "Scientists Predict Doom But Are Optimistic About It"
  • "Two Men Sentenced Possessing Forearms"
  • "Half Price Sale...You Save 25%"
  • "House For Sale at 1.8 Million Dollars....Save $5 With This Ad"
  • "Kallie's Helpful Hints...Hanging Yourself Can Be Painful So Get a Pro To Do It"
  • "St. Patrick's Weekend Specials...Lobster Tail; Surf and Turd"
  • "Air Force To Test Uniforms...New Camouflage Really Stands Out"
  • City Council Runs Out of Time To Discuss Shorter Meetings"
  • "Supreme Court Ponders Whether Innocent Person Can Be Executed"
  • "Bryan Middle School reported the theft of an American flag...It can be described as red, white and blue."
  • Maintenance Instructions for a light..."Light bulb Recommended"

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Favorite Family Joke

A duck walked into a grocery store and went up to the counter.

"Do you have any duck food?" asked the duck.

"No. " answered the store employee.

The next day the duck went to the store again.

"Do you have any duck food?" again asked the duck.

"No" answered the store employee once again.

The following day, the duck returned to the grocery store.

"Do you have any duck food?'

"No." answered the employee with an annoyed tone. "And if you ask again, I'll nail your feet to the floor!"

The following day, the duck returned yet another time.

"Do you have any nails?"

"No." answered the employee.

"Do you have any duck food?"

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What Is It About A Name

What is it about a name? Stacy and Lacy, both with a husband's name of Peterson? Coincidence or another distant relative like Barak O'Bama and VP Cheney? Hmmm. [This is when the Twilight Zone music cuts in.]


After dropping a tiny tid bit of dog food down the disposal, I turned it and was greeted by a loud, sink vibrating grumble along with a what-was-that moment.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Names of Things

Where do some names come from? Like "honeydew". To me the taste has nothing to do with honey; and "dew"? Does anyone else have any "quandary" names they can think of?

Ring Tone

So everyone, what ring tome do you use on your cell phone?

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Big Bang Or Not?

I read the following on

The Big Bang theory of the origin of our universe is widely accepted by the physics community. The idea that our universe started out as some infinitesimally small point, which expanded out to what we see today, makes a lot of sense. Except for one small thing. That initial point, called a singularity by physicists, is a physical impossibility. According to the models we have today, the temperature of the universe at that first moment would have had to be infinite, which mathematically makes no sense. Also, the singularity doesn't do a good job of explaining where all the matter and energy we see today in the universe came from. So, physicists are increasingly starting to look at other branches of physics to see what they can do to replace the singularity with a more reasonable proposition, one which can actually be explained by existing science.

What do you think?

Saturday, November 10, 2007

October Dream in November

So last night I dreamt that I was on a beach on the west coast. As I walked, I saw people dressed differently than our current time period and I began to wonder how I had time traveled. Had I traveled into the past or into the future?

As I walked farther up the beach, I began to see broken plastic furniture. I realized that I had gone into the future. I met some people that I knew (in the dream only) and they had a few its of broken plastic furniture. The one wooden chair they had was a prized possession. We walked away from the beach and came to a hotel with trees in front. The [people I was with oohed and aahed over the trees as there had been a terrible drought. When we went inside, it was sparsely decorated and in need of repair. When we went to our room, all of the sliding glass doors were off of their tracks and all were broken so there was no way to keep anyone out of the apartment.

When I started to look for the bathroom I realized it was probably time to wake up and go to the bathroom in the real world! Weird dream.

Friday, November 9, 2007


I found this on one of my favorite blogs.

"According to the article at CNN, just last month alone 69,000 toys made in China were recalled.

It’s enough to want to give your child a block of wood and tell them to whittle their own toys. "

I love it!

Living Blogs

As you can all probably tell, I am really getting into changing the look of the blog periodically. It is like gardening; you can just periodically change it for fun!


Well, seeing as how we've been on this list binge, I figured, well, when in Rome, blog about lists. Recently, I've been thinking about good commercials, as in TV ads. What are your favorites, your "Top 5" for these advertisements. Mine are:
  • The Nationwide commercial with the singing and dancing neighborhood, "Oh what a wonderful morning," etc, when a tree branch falls on the guy's car.
  • The Geico commercial in which a duck takes his bill off to reveal one of diminished size, claiming he now has a "smaller bill."
  • The commercial in which a father and son go to Norway to celebrate their heritage, going across the country. Eventually, the go to the national archives of Norway, and find out that they are Swedish.
  • The old, old Fig Newtons commercial, where there's a guy singing "Ooey, gooey rich and chewy inside; tender, cakey golden flaky outside," etc.
  • And last, but definitely not least, the commercial for Crispy M&Ms in which a guy is talking with the orange M&M character, who, after the guy mentions he's hungry, drops to the ground, proclaiming, "Can't eat a candy that fell on the floor."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Quality Products

In a drawer upstairs is a laptop that is probably 8 to 10 years old. It was my first one. The battery no longer holds a charge and it is slow. The capacity of the hard drive is very limited compared to current laptops; but, if I plug it in, it still works.

The laptop I got after that one lasted about two years. Then the keys began to malfunction, AOL stopped working and periodically the screen would slowly dim to black...for no reason.

So Esh and I got new laptops in September. They are not enormously powerful machines, but they are under five pounds so both can go together in a laptop case and be carried around campus by me (keep in mind I am 55 years old so arm strenght is... well.... not what it used to be).

So, we are only talking about two months old...actually less than to months old...and the hard drive has crashed. It will not go past the BIOS screen. No access to JAVA programs or Powerpoint presentations or various Word documents for Esh's school. And, keep in mind, the laptop is TWO months old.

Hmmmm. Another China conspiracy thing? Maybe lead in the microchips?

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

List of Lists

What is your favorite list? There are lists of tallest mountains, and lists of favorite recipes. How about the list of Best Movies or Best colleges. So what is you favorite list or the list that you watch the most closely? And why does this list interest you?

Monday, November 5, 2007

McGregor Silence Shattered

McGregor Reading room is a dark wood, old books kind of room with lots of comfy chairs and ottomans. It is a room of deep silence that envelopes everyone sitting within its walls. Whenever you hear "You've Got mail" in the background, even if it is quiet, it is jarring -- it is truly that quiet.

So this morning someone must have been drilling into the floor on the level above this room. It was SO loud that all of us instantly looked up and just stared at each other as if "Doesn't-that-person-who-is-doing-the-drilling-understand-that-this-wonderful-bastion-of-peace-and-quiet-is-down-here?" type of stare. Wow...such a outside of this room.....

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Only One Hour

What could the government possibly be thinking with moving the date of time change? What are the people on the other planets wondering about the nuts on the third rock from the sun? Our government is big and powerful but to mess with the time that the sun rises and sets is a bit much!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Dead End

Thursday, November 1, 2007


What is it about coffee that makes Gravity Well keep connecting it with clear thinking. I adore my cup of Jo every morning; but is it the steam, wafting around my face and clearing my sinuses. Or is it the warmth of the cup on my hands. Or is it truly the caffeine?

What is it about coffee that is so great in the morning?