- The Nationwide commercial with the singing and dancing neighborhood, "Oh what a wonderful morning," etc, when a tree branch falls on the guy's car.
- The Geico commercial in which a duck takes his bill off to reveal one of diminished size, claiming he now has a "smaller bill."
- The commercial in which a father and son go to Norway to celebrate their heritage, going across the country. Eventually, the go to the national archives of Norway, and find out that they are Swedish.
- The old, old Fig Newtons commercial, where there's a guy singing "Ooey, gooey rich and chewy inside; tender, cakey golden flaky outside," etc.
- And last, but definitely not least, the commercial for Crispy M&Ms in which a guy is talking with the orange M&M character, who, after the guy mentions he's hungry, drops to the ground, proclaiming, "Can't eat a candy that fell on the floor."
Friday, November 9, 2007
Well, seeing as how we've been on this list binge, I figured, well, when in Rome, blog about lists. Recently, I've been thinking about good commercials, as in TV ads. What are your favorites, your "Top 5" for these advertisements. Mine are: