Esh's academic team came in a wonderful third in districts today. That was really good against hard schools. Unfortunately they needed to come in first or second to go on in the state. They had a really
good time and used fake names like Shrodinger, Nietzshe, Archimedes, Heisenburg, Copernicus.
They same group of four (plus a couple of others) are now playing D&D very loudly and
having a great time traversing dungeons, casting spells, raising the dead, fighting monsters, healing
and gathering treasure. In a minute, they will be eating pizza bread.
So from 8:30 AM until 2:30 PM they bent their brains and had fun competing. Then from 3:30 PM until
8:30 PM they will role play and be their "other person".
What a healthy way to be in your teen years.