Well finally the Wall Street Journal, CNN and others are giving the public the real truth. Which to me has been obvious.
CNN stated this morning that Ethanol (from corn) might be more damaging than Gasoline. In part because the corn harvesters use so much gas to harvest the corn and other reasons.
Wall Street Journal finally let people know about the Mercury vapor in those stupid "Green" light bulbs. You have to dispose of them in a special way. Mercury is VERY poisonous.
Thinking of other things. Think of electric cars. Where do people think electricity comes from? The majority is from Coal. Well that is a non renewable resource and pumps lots of crap into the atmosphere. If from Nuclear, we have nuclear waste as well as the all the energy (driven by gasoline) to dig the holes to put the waste in and trucks to drive it there. Hydroelectric is decent but certainly limited.
And I just love the Go Green concerts where thousands of people drive and fly, sucking down gas, and use tons of electricity to power their lights, guitar amplifiers, etc. What is Green about that?