Thursday, April 28, 2011

Comcast's Irresponsible Practices

In a time when everyone has become aware of the need to save electricity, Comcast is making people leave their boxes on for hours. Currently, their cable boxes have an outlet on the back that allows customers to plug their TV in the back, meaning that when the box is one, the TV is on too. By eliminating the ability to turn the box off with a sleep timer, customers will have to use the sleep time on their TVs but this means the BOX WILL STAY ON FOR HOURS!!!! Please everyone, complain to your government representatives and have them make Comcast be responsible!!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Switching of the Poles

Earth's magnetic poles are definitely switching. Are all of the storms, earthquakes, etc. because they are switching? We think so. 2012.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Particle Smashing

When we smash particles together in an accelerator their local time is slowed down by an extreme amount right before the smash. When they hit they return to our local time. The particle has not aged much but in it's reference frame, we have aged. How are the resulting particles we see affected by this?

Saturday, April 2, 2011


There has been a lot of concern over the trace amounts of radiation showing up in rain water, milk and elsewhere in the US. If you are 45 or older you probably grew up with a lot more radiation in the air, you milk, and other food than you are seeing now. All of our nuclear testing in nevada for 20 or more years after WWII is probably many times greater than we, here in the US, are seeing from the situation in Japan.