Sunday, September 16, 2012

Impersonating FBI

Impersonating the FBI is illegal even if through email. If you get a false email, report it to them. They will be able to track the sender's IP address and arrest them.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Proved Correct 2

BTW rioting folks (re: Proved Correct post), now poeple will be very anxious to see the film. Thanks for bringing it to everyone's attention!

More BBC!!

Via our wonderful public library, we have discovered yet more great BBC shows. We are currently engrossed by a show called "Trial and Retribution". Every evening we look forward to the next case and story line. Another favorite of ours is "New Tricks". This show offers not only good cases but usually a hefty dose of humor. Bravo BBC!

Proved Correct

Apparently, a film was produced that makes someone not appear not in a favorable light so people are killing others and rioting in their countries. Guess the film was correct!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Google Has Screwed Itself

In an effort to strong-arm Adobe into supporting Flash for Android, Google has screwed itself.  August 17 it remove Adobe's Flash Player from its apps store leaving millions of Android users unable to play most web videos. the only videos that will play are YouTube ones.  What Google has not realized is that anyone with a Google phone (all Androids are Google phones) will never buy one again.  When consumers now see Google associated with phones they will run in the other direction!