Wednesday, May 21, 2008


By no means am I a good typist; in fact, I am actually an awful typist. Years ago, I was tested and I came in at a whopping 7 words a minute due to the significant number of errors. So that brings me to typos....

Thank God spell checking programs were developed! But then there are still those typos that slip through. Like "tow" when you mean "two" or "sex" when you mean "six" or..."testes" when you meant to type "tested". "Item" instead of "time".

So, for a final report to a client you want to type:

Based on the six problem solving steps, the employees followed the first two and tested the results over time.

Instead you type:

Based on the sex problem solving steps, the employees followed the first tow and testes the results over item.

And spell check did not find any errors. So much for the professional image!