Wednesday, April 23, 2008

"Advice is a Gift"

One of the things that really struck me in Randy Pausch's Last Lecture is when he says that advice is a gift; treasure it. Over the years, I have received much advice and I have been glad. It is a gift and a tremendous sign of caring by those who take the time to give it.

What is the most valuable piece of advice you have received?

Mine was probably from one of Chesterfield County's Gifted advisors. When they wanted to skip Esh over all of the high school science curriculum and directly to AP courses, I balked. The advisor suggested that Esh and I attend both an honors biology class and an AP biology class and then decide. I am SO glad that I listened and took her advice. In the honors class the class was reviewing for an exam. When I saw Esh raise his hand and answer the questions correctly, I knew that what the county wanted to do was correct.

Advice is not criticism. It does mean that no one is perfect and can not possible know everything -- that is why we are social animals. We don't need to know it all because we have others in our lives which is a good thing. Advice is a gift -- treasure it! So what is he best advice you have received?